The devitalisation sometimes is the last therapy that can save the teeth.
Why devitalize a teeth? The dentist devitalizes a tooth when a decay (1) digs deep in the tooth until reaches the nerve (2). If the decay is very old, under the teeth we find an infection called granuloma (3), who can drive to an abscess, with swelling and big pain. The 70% of dental pain needs this therapy.

Opening First the tooth is opened and cleaned, then emptied with little reamers.

Disinfecting The interior of teeth is irrigated with disinfectant.

Sealing The teeth interior is sealed, so we block entrance to bacteria, thus preventing a new infection

Then we seal the exterior.

Healing The devitalization doesn’t heals instantly the granuloma, but blocking the access of bacteria to the infection, the antibodies will heal it in a month or so. The devitalization is a treatment, but the body is who heals

Insuccess The devitalization is the most difficult treatment: also if the dentist has adequate hardware and he’s clever, there’s a big variance in root canals (where there is the nerve), with so many branches impossible to reach, also if the disinfectant used minimizes this risk.

Weaking It’s true that the devitalization weaks the tooth, because it’s used on a filled or with big decay tooth. So remains very little hard tissue and the dentist advises to cover it with a crown. The real problem is the insensitivity, so a decay can grow without any warning. Because of this the dentist advises regular examinations.

Hurting Generally, if executed on a devitalized tooth for healing a granuloma, devitalization is totally painless, but on alive teeth with inflammation least some low pain with chewing. All symptoms gradually decrease until the infection has healed, sometimes with the help of an antibiotic